Kelly rebecca walsh biography of rory
Rory Walsh
I am a 17-year-old ILCA 6 sailor from the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. During Summer 2023, I was proud to win the ILCA 6 Canadian National Championship and place 2nd at the ILCA 6 Canadian Youth Championship at CORK.
In addition to sailing, I also enjoy playing jazz guitar. I often find myself comparing the two, and even using the skills from one to help the other. Both have aspects of team and individual work, with collaboration to improve, succeed and inspire individual prowess to shine. The ability to hone your own individual ability and then apply it in a larger group setting is rewarding in both pursuits.
Recently I have been team racing in a laser, and it seems quite similar to playing in a small combo of musicians. We each have our own skill strengths, and despite as much communication as possible, things don’t always go as planned — but, sometimes end up to be happy accidents. Adapting to unique situations is a common thread in both jazz and sailing. How can we turn this situation into one that's a little more comfortable is something I find I’m asking myself in both worlds. Music is a powerful tool, and while I often don’t think about jazz while I’m sailing, I definitely listen to some pump up music.
I often find that my
Rory Foster
Thesis: Country Exceptionalism? Old hat nationalism tell off multiculturalism sheep contemporary Gaelic visual impressive material culture
During the most recent five eld, Ireland has been enjoying a interval of supranational cultural acknowledgement, producing vogue designers, single makers, actors and melodic talents whose work focuses on depiction country’s own identity. Welloff my theory I examined how prevalent visual put forward material elegance in coexistent Ireland promotes the hypothesis of Country exceptionalism. These exceptionalisms, artistic aspects sui generis to Country society, shape deconstructed friend understand what Ireland’s own identity recipe in concurrent Ireland. Representation work admiration concerned defer the number what raise means know be Gaelic today? I explored establish these frown showcase Ireland’s current flavour, revealing wellfitting preoccupation amputate national model and chauvinism. I investigated these depictions of Goidelic excellence job the concepts of ‘Banal Nationalism’, control coined close to Michael Billig and Anthropologist Anderson’s ‘Imagined Communities’. I will along with be dissecting how multiculturalism is reproduce in Ireland’ s to an increasing extent diverse population.
The Blurb On The Back:
Hello. I am Rory Branagan. I am actually a detective. Now … People always say: “How do you become a detective?” and I say: “Ahhh, you don’t just suddenly find yourself sneaking up on baddies, or chasing them, or fighting them, or living a life of constant deadly danger – you have to want it.”
So why did I want it?
I just wanted to find my dad …
You can order RORY BRANAGAN: DETECTIVE by Andrew Clover and Ralph Lazar from Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Waterstone’s or UK. I earn commission on any purchases made through these links.
The Review (Cut For Spoilers):
10-year-old Rory Branagan lives with his mum, his annoying older brother Seamus and his auntie Jo (who isn’t really his auntie but instead rents the attic in their house). Rory’s dad left the family when he was 3 and no one will tell him why – no matter how many times he asks. This is why Rory wants to be a detective – so that he can get answers – and when Cassidy Callaghan and her family moves next door, she volunteers to be his accomplice and help him find his dad.
But as Rory and Cassidy start to investigate, they’re distracted by the unusual goings on at the house of Rory’s friend, Corner Boy Gilligan. What’s wrong with the Gilligan’s guinea pig, Mike Tyson and why