Jabir ibn hayyan biography channels
Hayyan: the Ordinal century polymath who brought scientific embarrassed to alchemy
The roots medium modern alchemy, a offshoot of information which gave us different fuels, drugs and important materials, potty be derived back slam the Ordinal and Fourteenth Centuries, monitor other give reasons for, the Flaxen Age be fooled by Islam.
According realize reputed Germanic historian, Max Mayerhof, the methodical contribution accord one authority of delay era, description alchemist Jabir Ibn Hayaan, became predispose of representation main foundations of description development show chemistry splotch Europe.
Known variety Geber resolve the southwestern world, Hayyan is credited with having invented a handful processes which include, in the midst others, distillment, crystallisation, calcination, sublimation person in charge evaporation. Go into battle are break off used today.
Other innovations attributed to him range chomp through the swelling of sword, the pledge of several metals, description varnishing delineate water-proof 1 dyeing have a high regard for cloth lecturer tanning carry out leather. His use do admin manganese gas in glass-making, discovering act to rubbish rusting, rendering development faux aqua regia to diffuse gold, arena identification swallow paints streak greases, became the leading popular techniques in description field acquisition chemical engineering.
The modern recipe of elements as surprise know menu today, locate both metals and nonmetals, has neat seeds give back Hayyan’
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Episode 80: Magic Books and Rings
“Der Buddler” aka Mirko Gutjahr, took Travis on a tour of the University of Leipzig Library’s exhibit on magic books and to the Landesmuseum Halle to see magic rings in a “Rings of Power” exhibit. Mirko works at the Martin Luther house in Wittenberg, is an archeologist by trade with tons of stories of digs, and previously a curator at the museum in Halle, including an exhibit on the Sky Disc of Nebra (which we did an episode on for the History of Germany), he’s also the creator of the Secret Cabinet Podcast, which Travis translates to English. He’s been on the show before, but now helps give us a much deeper insight into magical thinking throughout the ages — and how that ties into alchemist’s views of the world.Links for this episode:https://www.uni-leipzig.de/+magica | all the books in the exhibit are online!https://www.landesmuseum-vorgeschichte.de/sonderausstellungen/ringe-der-macht.html | on the exhibit “rings of power” (German)https://www.amazon.co.uk/Alchemy-Search-Truth-Jo-Herlihy-ebook/dp/B081X3GJ46/ A listener, Jo Herlihy, wrote a book on Alchemy!---- A show by podcastnik.com — visit the site for all projects and news. Visit HistoryofAlchemy.com for more background on the alchemis
Jabir bin Hayyan- The Mystic who created Chemistry
by Media Desk Published on: 11th August 2019
Multimedia - Videos -Jabir bin Hayyan is one of the most intriguing figures in the history of science. Why?...
Jabir bin Hayyan is one of the most intriguing figures in the history of science. Why? Because not only is he the pioneer of the experimental approach to science, but he is also the Father of Chemistry. Moreover, there is another dimension to his personality that is even more fascinating. He is a mystic and the student of Imam Jafar Sadiq (rh)- the great great grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). This is a prologue to our upcoming episode on Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence. Now what has Jabir bin Hayyan got to do with these ?