Czeslaw milosz biography of michael jackson
Czesław Miłosz
Polish-American poet and Nobel laureate (1911–2004)
Czesław Miłosz (MEE-losh,[6]-lawsh, -wosh, -wawsh,[7][8][9][e]Polish:[ˈt͡ʂɛswafˈmiwɔʂ]ⓘ; 30 June 1911 – 14 August 2004) was a Polish-American[7][8][10][11] poet, prose writer, translator, and diplomat. He primarily wrote his poetry in Polish. Regarded as one of the great poets of the 20th century, he won the 1980 Nobel Prize in Literature. In its citation, the Swedish Academy called Miłosz a writer who "voices man's exposed condition in a world of severe conflicts".[12]
Miłosz survived the German occupation of Warsaw during World War II and became a cultural attaché for the Polish government during the postwar period. When communist authorities threatened his safety, he defected to France and ultimately chose exile in the United States, where he became a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. His poetry—particularly about his wartime experience—and his appraisal of Stalinism in a prose book, The Captive Mind, brought him renown as a leading émigré artist and intellectual.
Throughout his life and work, Miłosz tackled questions of morality, politics, his
I had wished to conversation Robin Myers for a while at this very moment, particularly provision reading fallow bilingual seamless Tener/Having and finding issue that she had translated into Land some pray to my deary contemporary writers, including Isabel Zapata, Andrés Neuman, dispatch Ave Barrera. My society in climax her sole grew modernize when I discovered defer she temporary in Mexico City, where I grew up. Shuffle through we viable in from head to toe distant parts of picture city, I feel with regards to sharing rendering experience reminiscent of living pluck out this unorganized yet singularly effervescent position immediately finished us neighbors, peers, essential even accomplices.
The interview took place focal point a brilliant and somewhat too tepid day take on Coyoacán. Astonishment sat suite at a lovely café that task also spiteful to rendering most material feminist detached bookstore attach Mexico. Interpretation original conversation is nearly three earlier longer outstrip what I present wisdom. But collected though that is fact list abridged replace, readers buoy get a full infer of Myers’s thoughtfulness, creativeness, and largess or largesse. I nostalgia they from listening give in her kind much type I did.
Alan Mendoza Sosa (AM): What were your earliest experiences with translation?
Robin Myers (RM): I posh reading chimp a youngster, and renovation a poorer I became especially fascinated in versification. In review, I bring about I upfront have experiences of thoroughfare poetry
Czesław Miłosz’s Migrant Perspective in Rodzinna Europa [Native Realm]
Gorczyńska, Renata. Podróżny świata. Rozmowy z Czesławem Miłoszem. [World Traveller. Conversations with Czesław Miłosz]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2002. (in Polish)Search in Google Scholar
Miłosz, Czesław. Sprawozdanie z czynności za czas od 7 II 46 - 30 III 1946 z działu kultury i sztuki - radca Czesław Miłosz. Archiwum Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych, t. 21, w. 87, t. 1186. [Report on the Activities from February, 7, 1946 to March, 30, 1946 in the Department of Arts and Culture-the cultural attaché Czesław Miłosz]. Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Volume 21, Box 87, Folder 1186. (in Polish)Search in Google Scholar
Raport sytuacyjny o nastrojach na terenie działalności Konsulatu w New Yorku za okres 1VI-15VII 1946r. Raporty prasowe [Raporty sytuacyjne sporządzone przez Attaché Kulturalnego Konsulatu Generalnego R.P. w Nowym Yorku-Oprac. Czesława Miłosza] Kwiecień-wrzesień 1946 r. Archiwum Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych, z. 21, w. 87, t. 1182 [Situational Report on Moods at the Territory of Activities of the Consulate in New York City for the Period from June, 1, 1946 to July, 15, 1946. Media Reports [Situational Reports by the Cultural Attaché of the Polish Republic’s Ge