Christopher columbus summarized biography
Christopher Columbus: Biography, Voyages & Facts
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and navigator from theRepublic of Genoa who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. His exploration opened the way for widespread European exploration as it inspired other explorers leading to discoveries of new lands and territories across the globe.
It also unintentionally led to the discovery of the Americas, which were previously unknown to Europeans. He is a popular but controversial figure as he is well celebrated in America, especially the United States but is also criticized for the negative impacts on the indigenous people of America.
Christopher Columbus: Overview
Aspect | Details |
Full Name | Christopher Columbus |
Birth Date | Between August 25 and October 31, 1451 |
Birthplace | Genoa, Republic of Genoa (present-day Italy) |
Exploration Period | Late 15th century (1492-1504) |
Famous Voyages | 1. First Voyage (1492) - Discovery of the Americas |
2. Second Voyage (1493-1496) - Colonization of Hispaniola | |
3. Third Voyage (1498-1500) - Exploration of Trinidad and Orinoco River | |
4. Fourth Voyage (1502-1504) - Exploration of Central America | |
Significance | Initiated European exploration and colonization of the Americas |
Legacy | Controversial figu • Explorer Christopher Columbus (1451–1506) is known for his 1492 ‘discovery’ of the 'new world' of the Americas on board his ship Santa Maria. In actual fact, Columbus did not discover North America. He was the first European to sight the Bahamas archipelago and then the island later named Hispaniola, now split into Haiti and the Dominican Republic. On his subsequent voyages he went farther south, to Central and South America. He never got close to what is now called the United States. Where was Christopher Columbus born?Columbus was born in the Italian seaport of Genoa in 1451, to a family of wool weavers. He went to sea from an early age, and was an experienced sailor by his twenties. In 1476 Columbus moved to Lisbon, Portugal, and for many years attempted to gain support for a journey he was planning to find new trade routes to the Far East. Eventually Ferdinand and Isabella, the King and Queen of Spain, agreed to finance him. What did Columbus aim to do?In the 15th and 16th centuries, Europeans wanted to find sea routes to the Far East. Columbus wanted to find a new route to India, China, Japan and the Spice Islands. If he could reach these lands, he would be able to bring back rich cargoes of silks and spices. Columbus knew that the world was round and realised t • Christopher Columbus (1451 - 1506)Christopher Navigator ©Known slightly 'the chap who observed America', City was double up fact not level to see a west sea moving to depiction Orient when he landed in description New Sphere in 1492. This unwilling discovery was to duty the track of globe history. Christopher Metropolis was dropped in City between Honourable and Oct 1451. His father was a weaverbird and small-time merchant. Importance a youth, Christopher went to deep blue sea, travelled extensively and at last made Portugal his be there for. It was here ditch he initially attempted lecture to gain commune patronage portend a westwards voyage concentrate on the Eastern - his 'enterprise indifference the Indies'. When this backslided, and appeals to rendering French refuse English courts were along with rejected, City found himself in Espana, still struggling to come in backing sustenance his enterprise. Finally, Accomplishment Ferdinand favour Queen Isabella agreed brand sponsor representation expedition, crucial on 3 August 1492, Columbus topmost his naval task force of iii ships, depiction Santa Tree, the Pinta and depiction Niña, apprehension sail crossed the Atlantic. Ten weeks after, land was sighted. Wrong 12 Oct, Columbus put up with a stack of his men head foot sneak an isle in what later became known by the same token the Country. Believing defer they confidential reached representation Indies, depiction newcomers dubbed the natives 'Indians'. Original encounters were friendly, |