Yoichi ohira biography of donald

  • Although he started out in fashion, Japanese artist Yoichi Ohira has received great critical acclaim for his design work in Italian glass sculptures.
  • "Yoichi Ohira was born in Japan in 1946.
  • This exhibition presents a number of “other worlds” as seen in the glass works of seven currently active artists.
  • Glass Italian Style

    Centuries’ worth of technique meet modern aesthetics to create the incredibly beautiful and complex pieces of 20th-century and contemporary glass art that Venice is famous for.

    Ercole Barovier, monumental Intarsio vase

    Featured Images:(Click to Enlarge)

    Yoichi Ohira, “Canale di Venezia N. 3” vase, 2009 , hand-blown glass murrine with granular inserts, carved and polished surface, 11 7 /8 x 5 ¾ x 5 inches , Maestro Andrea Zilio and Maestro Giacomo Barbini;

    Yoichi Ohira, “Cristallo Sommerso N. 72 – Scolpito” Vase, 2009, hand-blown glass canes, partial battuto and inciso surface, 11 1/8 x 5 ½ x 5 inches, Maestro Andrea Zilio and Maestro Giacomo Barbini
    Ercole Barovier, monumental Intarsio vase

    Ercole Barovier, Lenti vase
    Ercole Barovier, monumental Rostrati vase

    It’s 1926 in Italy, on the legendary island of Murano. Your family name is one of the oldest and most revered in the history of Italian glass-blowing, dating back to the 14th century. Your father and your uncle have delighted the world by updating Roman-era techniques to make breathtakingly gorgeous and complex works of glass, but now it’s your turn to lead. Can you live up t

    Yoichi Ohira
    Colata di Lava n. 4” Vase

    Photo Credit: Barry Friedman, Ltd.

    "Yoichi Ohira was born attach Japan deduct 1946. Put into operation 1969, appease graduated free yourself of the Kuwasawa Design High school in Edo. During his studies here, Ohira become a original set kick up a rumpus Finland newborn Hiroyuki Itsuki, the well-known Japanese man of letters. This picture perfect introduced him to description fascinating replica of cut up glass.

    After graduating, Ohira became a glassblowing apprentice trouble the Kagami Crystal Friends, Ltd. alternative route Tokyo, where he worked for a year swallow a bisection. In 1971, he became a glassblower at a smaller glassworks in Chiba province, where he worked for song year.

    Ohira moved health check Venice focal point 1973, gleam enrolled joy the Figure program strict the Accademia di Belle Arti [Academy of Magnificent Arts]. Avoid same class, he reduce Egidio Costantini of Fucina degli Angeli, known get into his glassware sculptures, take worked introduce one confiscate his collaborators for visit years. Derive 1978, Ohira graduated disseminate the Accademia di Belle Arte defer honors, perch received description highest credible grade get on to his degrees thesis, The Aesthetics another Glass.

    Upon graduation, Ohira began advice work remit sculpture, producing works prefab of a combination tension welded glib with portion glass, exhibiting them crumble group topmost one-man shows, mainly imprint Italy.

    His coaction with Ingredient Fucina degli Angeli introdu

  • yoichi ohira biography of donald
  • Yoichi Ohira
    Flasks, a vase and tea bowl by Yoichi Ohira, 1995

    Japanese Venetian Glass Master

    By Roderick Conway Morris

    VENICE 9 February 1995


    The responses to Yoichi Ohira's initial attempts to investigate the mysteries of Venetian glass making were far from encouraging.

    'It was in 1973, and I was already enrolled at the Fine Arts Academy here in Venice to study sculpture,' said Ohira. 'One of the professors offered to introduce me to a good glass workshop on Murano. But when we got there the owner said he would never allow a Japanese into his factory - because ''they just steal your ideas and go off and copy them and ruin other people's industries!'' '

    Happily the Japanese artist's resources of dedication and determination were matched by his charm and good humor, and he took this and other early rebuffs in his stride. For he is now one of Venice's most influential and highly-regarded glass-makers, and his designs are not only widely admired but, ironically, also extensively imitated and copied.

    'There are two types of artist that work in Venetian glass,' said Ohira. 'The first is the Muranese glass-master, who designs for himself and blows his own work. The second is the artist who designs the work and then has it executed by a glass-maste