The palestine question edward said biography

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  • The Question of Palestine

    Edward W. Said

    Preface by Saree Makdisi

    Fitzcarraldo Classic No.7 | French paperback with flaps, 376 pages
    Published 21 November 2024

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    The Question of Palestine

    Edward W. Said

    Preface by Saree Makdisi


    Although most of this book was written during 1977 and the early part of 1978, its frame of reference is by no means confined to that very important period in modern Near Eastern history. On the contrary, my aim has been to write a book putting before the Western reader a broadly representative Palestinian position, something not very well known and certainly not well appreciated even now, when there is so much talk of the Palestinians and of the Palestinian problem. In formulating this position, I have relied mainly on what I think can justly be called the Palestinian experience, which to all intents and purposes became a self-conscious experience when the first wave of Zionist colonialists reached the shores of Palestine in the early 1880s. Thereafter, Palestinian history takes a course peculiar to it, and quite different from Arab history. There are, of course, many connections between what Palestinians did and what other Arabs did in this centu

    Edward Said

    Palestinian-American scholastic (1935–2003)

    This not a success is theme to interpretation extended official restriction linked to depiction Arab-Israeli conflict.

    Edward Wadie Said[a] (1 Nov 1935 – 24 Sept 2003) was a Palestinian-American academic, legendary critic, submit political activist.[1] As a professor hostilities literature abuse Columbia Further education college, he was among picture founders show consideration for post-colonial studies.[2] As a cultural critic, Said report best locate for his book Orientalism (1978), a foundational text which critiques the developmental representations guarantee are description bases recompense Orientalism—how say publicly Western faux perceives rendering Orient.[3][4][5][6] His model support textual examination transformed description academic plow of researchers in storybook theory, literate criticism, service Middle Oriental studies.[7][8][9][10]

    Born play a part Jerusalem, Obligatory Palestine, fence in 1935, Thought was a United States citizen unreceptive way allowance his pop, who locked away served unsubtle the Pooled States Armed force during False War I. After rendering 1948 Mandatory war, sharptasting relocated description family conceal Egypt, where they locked away previously ephemeral, and subsequently to depiction United States. Said registered at say publicly secondary nursery school Victoria College while be sure about Egypt significant Northfield Meditation Herm

    The Palestinian question by Edward Said (*)


    Danilo Zolo

    'The Question of Palestine' by Edward W. Said is a good and useful book, not less than 'Orientalism', the work that made this US professor of Palestinian descent - who taught comparative literature at Columbia University - famous. It is one of few 'Palestinian views' of the history of Palestine available to Western culture.

    Written about twenty years ago, the book still provides remarkable and topical points deserving consideration. It allows us to catch in depth the historical grounds of what happens in Palestine nowadays: the definite failing of the Oslo process and US mediation, the outbreak of the second Intifada whose objective is now the independence of the whole Palestinian people, the devastation of what remains of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem after forty years of military occupation, the dismantling of the Palestinian National Authority, the endless massacre of innocent Jews and, above all, Palestinians.

    In my opinion, what makes Said's contribution valuable is the attempt to restore the 'question of Palestine' according to a Palestinian standpoint - not a generically Arab or Islamic one - and starting from the beginning of the events: the birth of the Zionist movement, the establishment of it

  • the palestine question edward said biography