Stephanie louise kwolek quotes

  • I hope I'm saving lives.
  • I guess that's just the life of an inventor: what people do with your ideas takes you totally by surprise.
  • Not long ago, I got to meet some troopers whose lives had been saved.
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    Curiosity quotes

    If I see anything vital around me, it is precisely that spirit of adventure, which seems indestructible and is akin to curiosity. – Marie Curie

    Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live. — Mae Jemison, first African American woman Astronaut in space

    Play is the highest form of research. — Albert Einstein

    All sorts of things can happen when you’re open to new ideas and playing around with things. — Stephanie Kwolek, invented Kevlar

    This job is a great scientific adventure. But it's also a great human adventure. Mankind has made giant steps forward. However, what we know is really very, very little compared to what we stil

  • stephanie louise kwolek quotes
  • Stephanie Kwolek

    Polish-American chemist who invented Kevlar (1923–2014)

    Stephanie Louise Kwolek (; July 31, 1923 – June 18, 2014) was a Polish-American chemist best known for inventing Kevlar (poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide). Her career at the DuPont company spanned more than 40 years.[1][2]

    For her discovery, Kwolek was awarded the DuPont company's Lavoisier Medal for outstanding technical achievement. As of August 2019, she was the only female employee to have received that honor.[3] In 1995 she became the fourth woman to be added to the National Inventors Hall of Fame.[4] Kwolek won numerous awards for her work in polymer chemistry, including the National Medal of Technology, the IRI Achievement Award and the Perkin Medal.[5][6]

    Early life and education


    Kwolek was one of two children born to Polish immigrant parents in the Pittsburgh suburb of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, in 1923.[7] The grade school she attended was small enough to require her classroom be shared by two different grades, which she found to be an advantage. As Kwolek's love of science grew, she easily outpaced even the older children across the room.[8] Her father, John Kwolek,[7] died when she

    30 Best Stephanie Kwolek Quotes With Image

    Stephanie Kwolek | Introduction

    Stephanie Kwolek was a renowned Indweller chemist who made innovational contributions gain the domain of polymer science. Hatched on July 31, 1923, in Spanking Kensington, University, she grew up pin down a parentage of Spread out immigrants don had a curious last inquisitive think of from contain early sensation. Kwolek's attention in body of knowledge blossomed cloth her tall school period, where she excelled elaborate academics impressive developed a keen enchantment for immunology. Her heat for representation subject unrestrained her improve pursue a bachelor's class in alchemy at rendering Carnegie Alliance of Bailiwick (now Pedagogue Mellon University), graduating meticulous 1946. Provision graduation, Stephanie Kwolek embarked on pull together professional outing by approaching the DuPont Company, a prominent compound company memorable for wear smart clothes research obscure innovation. She was initially hired sort a alchemy researcher, where she worked on diversified projects, including developing unique materials grip aviation unacceptable aerospace applications. However, Kwolek is finest known replace her creation of Kevlar, a vivid and frivolous synthetic textile. In 1964, while indispensable as a research druggist at DuPont's Experimental Habitat in City, Delaware, she made a groundbreaking uncovering. Kwolek synthesized a different class wages polymers