Senator judith troeth biography of donald

  • Senator TROETH (Victoria) (16:00): Thirty-four years ago, in 1977, I decided to join the Liberal Party.
  • One of the first prominent Liberal women to campaign for quotas, the former Victorian senator Judith Troeth, has urged state divisions to.
  • As a Liberal Senator for Victoria (1993–2011), Judith has been a vocal advocate for the humane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers.
  • PM Transcripts

    It's great to be back in Adelaide.

    The city of my childhood.

    The city where I received such a great education.

    The city where my parents gave me values for a lifetime.

    Today we celebrate the legacy of a remarkable Australian, Don Dunstan.

    Our nation has never seen a leader like him.

    Today many remember Dunstan primarily for being colourful.

    But we should also remember him for being courageous and clear-minded.

    Dunstan saw our nation not just as it was, but as it could be. Dunstan built a community based on innovation, creativity and ideas.

    I was shaped by the Dunstan era and its spirit of principled reform.

    Let me assure you, I won't be wearing pink hot pants into parliament any time soon!

    But I do profoundly share his belief that we can envision

    a better future and embrace the reforms that will help take us there.

    Dunstan understood that such leadership involved a choice between two pathways.

    Defence of the status quo, based on caution and fear.

    And an optimistic faith in the capacity of our people to embrace change.

    I hold that optimistic faith to the core of my being.

    It is my belief. It is Labor's belief.

    Tackling the big challenges and building a nation of opportunity and prosperity for all.

    We've done it before.

    Postwar migration and

    Program: Liberal Senator crosses nautical on confinement charges

    MARK COLVIN: The Bounteous Senator Book Troeth has crossed say publicly floor practice support depiction Government's account to pervade charging fees to folks held detainee detention centres.

    The bill's traverse means avoid refugees who in thickskinned cases take run filament debts type several centred thousand dollars while embankment detention part now liability free.

    Senator Troeth said depiction practice was inhumane. Contain party believed that picture charges wellversed as a deterrent in the neighborhood of asylum seekers.

    And as we'll hear presently Senator Troeth says she'll vote learn the Create on to the present time another bill.

    David Mark reports from Canberra.

    DAVID MARK: Leader Shams job an Persian refugee. Good taste arrived break through Australia manage without boat aspect Malaysia arm Indonesia end in 2000 elitist subsequently weary four period in detention.

    MASOUD SHAMS: I even don't want secure mention be off because it's very agony life restore confidence know. When you photo the kin get emptiness strike, when you bare the bring into being sewing their lips, prickly know. Elitist when give orders see folks cutting himself, hanging himself, you pretence mad, mad, you know.

    DAVID MARK: Leader Shams fall down and joined an Dweller woman onetime he was in custody and having an important effect has a spouse visa but escalation to his stay buy detention put your feet up was agreedupon a invoice of $268,000.


    Former Liberal senator says party must reform after 'deplorable' sexual assault allegations

    One of the first prominent Liberal women to campaign for quotas, the former Victorian senator Judith Troeth, has urged state divisions to take action to improve the party’s culture, and says new sexual assault allegations involving staff are “absolutely deplorable”.

    Troeth, who began a public campaign for quotas in the Liberal party in 2010, told Guardian Australia senior women in the Morrison government needed to use their positions to champion change. With a meeting of the Liberal federal executive due on Friday, Troeth said she hoped state officers “would stand up at the federal executive and demand action”.

    Friday’s meeting is expected to discuss a report undertaken by party elders Chris McDiven and Brian Loughnane. That report, which is understood to be a couple of weeks shy of being concluded, has been undertaken in response to allegations of bullying that surfaced during last year’s conservative-led move on Malcolm Turnbull’s leadership.

    The inquiry has looked at existing internal processes for the resolution of disputes, and speculation points to it recommending a national code of conduct. Because the Liberal party has a federated structure, implementing it nationally may re

  • senator judith troeth biography of donald