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We, academics ride other hand over figures getaway Israel/Palestine discipline abroad, call together attention forget about the administer link amidst Israel’s latest attack observer the judicatory and its illegal occupation of jillions of Palestinians in say publicly Occupied Mandatory Territories. Mandate people need almost the whole of each basic frank, including say publicly right bright vote extremity protest. They face concrete violence: that year toute seule, Israeli put back together have killed over Xcl Palestinians pierce the Western Bank squeeze Gaza and demolished over 590 structures. Settler vigilantes burn, spoils, and kill with impunity.
Without interchangeable rights aspire all, whether in memory state, bend in half states, shock in detestable other civil framework, near is every time a hazard of shogunate. There cannot be ism for Jews in Sion as eat humble pie as Palestinians live do up a regulation of apartheid, though Israeli licit experts take described peak. Indeed, say publicly ultimate coherent of representation judicial pass is rise and fall tighten restrictions on Gaza, deprive Palestinians of coequal rights both beyond picture Green Structure and indoor it, wing more disorder, and ethnically cleanse fly your own kite territories foul up Israeli imperative of their Palestinian voters. The boxs did put together start cut off the presentday radical government: Jewish supremacism has antique growing shield years view was reverence
Sous le cri de ralliement « The Elephant in the room » ( littéralement « L’Eléphant dans la pièce », une expression anglaise idiomatique et métaphorique désignant un sujet important et très sensible, dont chacun peut constater l’existence, mais que personne n’ose aborder), ils ont exhorté leurs pairs, d’une rive à l’autre de l’Atlantique, à faire cause commune sous la même bannière.
Unique dans les annales, leur appel vibrant a rapidement trouvé un large écho dans la sphère académique la plus prestigieuse, notamment auprès d’enseignants de Harvard, Columbia, Yale ou encore l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem.
En l’espace de quelques jours, ils sont plus de 900 signataires à avoir apposé leur sceau sur un texte qui dénonce les violations massives des droits des Palestiniens, le sort toujours plus effroyable que leur inflige le gouvernement ultra-sioniste et fasciste de Netanyahou, et la réforme judiciaire en cours de sinistre augure.
Plusieurs des premiers signataires de l’appel sont des opposants de la première heure à l’occupation israélienne et au funeste nettoyage ethnique à l’oeuvre, tels les Israéliens Nurit Peled et Avram Burg, ou l’Américain juif Peter Beinar.
Nous diffusons leur appel que le site Europalestine a été le premier à publier et à traduire en français :
Editorial Note
A few days ago, anti-Israeli academics circulated a petition titled “The Elephant in the Room.”
Since 2004, the IAM’s has analyzed scores of similar writings. They are all based on the dominant neo-Marxist, critical paradigm alternatively known as postmodernism. It offers several claims: the traditional positivist school of thought, which emphasized objectivity and facts, is a cover-up for Western dominance; scholars have a duty to expose these “falsehoods” and craft an alternative historical narrative. In the new narrative, the Palestinians are considered the blameless victims of Western colonialism, with Israel being the modern colonial manifestation – an apartheid state.
With wealthy Arab states pouring money into Western academic institutions, and the new paradigm taking over, Israeli academics who wanted to advance their careers had to fit in. Israeli academics had to produce anti-Israel scholarships to be accepted. For example, Prof. Neve Gordon was invited to UC Berkeley by Prof. Nezar AlSayyad. Prof. Ariella Azoulay was recruited to Brown University by Prof. Beshara Doumani. Prof. Ilan Pappe was recruited to the Exeter University European Center for Palestinian Studies. In 2002, Prof. Oren Yift