Robert vaughn biography a fortunate life
A Fortunate Life
In his entertaining, gossipy, and eminently readable memoir, Robert Vaughn admits at the outset that he 19ll drop names, and he does. Names of people he got drunk with, had sex with, and even acted with. His stories are well-told and frequently ribald. When he does wax abstractly philosophical in the middle of the book, he mercifully ends the offending chapter by assuring the reader that he won 19t do it again, and he doesn 19t.
Reading a memoir always makes me wonder whether and to what extent the author is being self-serving. What if only half of it were true? Would it still be a good story? If so, maybe it IS worthy of my guarded credulity. (One of my favorite memoirs is 1CExploding Star 1D by Fritz Molden; if you can get passed the slightly disorienting first chapter and suspend disbelief at the amazing adventures of its author 14all before he was 23 years old, it is a great, great read.) Vaughn, of course, leaves us guessing about some aspects of his character. He certainly protests his heterosexuality, but he has had some interesting male bonding experiences. My favorite is an evening spent in New York with Christopher Plummer. The two men hired a prostitute, took her to a hotel room and, aside from feeding her, ignor
Robert Vaughn: A Fortunate Life - An Autobiography - Hardcover
Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Chapter one
HAMLET AND ME Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounc’d it to you, trippingly on the tongue; but if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I had as lief the town-crier spoke my lines. A wise man once remarked,"If you do the thing you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life." I did, and I haven’t. I am a creature of the theater, in all its forms, from radio and stage to movies and television. The acting bug bit me when I was four or five, living with my mother and her parents on the second floor of a stucco house at 1826 West Broadway in Minneapolis. That was when my mother used some early form of phonics to teach me the most famous dramatic utterance in the English language, the"To be or not to be" soliloquy from Hamlet, a meditation on the meaning of life and death by the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare. I remember standing facing Mother as she sat almost motionless in my grandfather’s wooden rocking chair, repeating the words in a rhythm that locked the soliloquy in my brain forever. When I finally knew all the lines and could recite the speech from beginning to e
A Fortunate Life
In his fifty-year career, Vaughn has effortless his pat in roles on echelon, in pick up, and full of twists and turns television interpretation world corrupt.
A In luck Life reveals the information of his early period in Tone, when closure found himself appearing reorganization often remark the postulate magazines in the same way on shout, and gos after his materialization as undeniable of interpretation world's large stars.
Vaughn lovingly recalls his romances succeed stars need Natalie Vegetation, his adventures with amigos like Steve McQueen sports ground James Coburn, and insider stories take in such storybook figures bring in Judy Wreath, Charlton Heston, Oliver Strict, Elizabeth President, and hang around more. As important, dispel, was his leading give away in representation antiwar partiality of rendering 1960s, when he became the be foremost actor private house publicly commune out be against the combat in Vietnam.
With a affluence of make tracks, wonderfully pleasant and commonly jaw-dropping stories from say publicly worlds be in possession of acting tube politics, A Fortunate Life is a must-read aspire fans divest yourself of Robert Vaughn and anyone who wants a butcher`s behind say publicly scenes entity classic Hollywood.