Robert elias najemy biography of albert einstein
Miracles of Love Wisdom
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Miracles of Love and Wisdom A Handbook For Experiencing the Truth by
Robert Najemy
Miracles of Love and Wisdom A Handbook For Experiencing the Truth by
Robert Elias Najemy
I offer this book to us, God’s children, that we may manifest our true selves.
© Copyright 1989 Robert Elias Najemy Published by Holistic Harmony Publishers isbn: 0-9710116-6-4 Page layout :
Set in Palatino 10 on 13
PROLOGUE ..................................................................................................................................4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MIND AND THE BODY .......................................6 HOW THE MIND GETS PROGRAMMED ............................................................................11 THE RESULTS OF CHILDHOOD PROGRAMMING..........................................................15 THE FIRST STEPS TOWARDS FREEDOM ............................................................................20 HOW TO ANALYZE YOUR BELIEFS ....................................................................................25 ABILITIES, TALENTS AND POWERS ...................................................................................30 L
A Talk Hesitation The Mysteries of Humanity and Death
A Talk Hesitation The Mysteries of Humanity and Death
Available Formats
Original Title
REINCARNATION a study in human evolution: The Resurrection of the Body and The Reincarnation of the Soul
Ebook241 pages3 hours
By Dr. Théophile PASCAL
About this ebook
Dr. Théophile Pascal was a member of the Theosophical Society in France. He made friend with Annie Besant (a great British socialist, theosophist, women's rights activist and writer). He remained a highly influential figure over Western esotericism.
This book contains four chapters :
The Soul and the bodies.
Reincarnation and the moral law.
Reincarnation and science.
Reincarnation and the religious and philosophical consensus of the ages.
This is a valuable book to anyone interested in Theosophical teachings, like the reincarnations of the Soul.
Excerpt: "In a book dealing with the resurrection of bodies and the reincarnations of the Soul, a chapter must be devoted to the fundamental elements of the question.
We will give the name of Soul to abstract Being, to the Unknown, that unmanifested Principle which cannot be defined, for it is above all definition.
It is the Absolute of Western philosophers, the Parabrahm of the Hindus, the Tao of the ancient sages of China, the causeless Cause of all that has been or ever will be manifested in concrete time and space.
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