Regina tomyris biography
Warrior Women of the Ancient World
Alexander's Women
No, we're not talking about a catfight between his wives, but a battle of sorts for succession after Alexander's untimely death. In his "Ghost on the Throne", classicist James Romm says these two women fought the first recorded battle led by women on each side. It wasn't much of a battle, though, because of mixed loyalties.
The Amazons
The Amazons are credited with helping the Trojans against the Greeks in the Trojan War. They are also said to have been fierce women archers who cut off a breast to aid them in shooting, but recent archaeological evidence suggests the Amazons were real, important, powerful, two-breasted, warrior women, possibly from the Steppes.
Queen Tomyris
Tomyris became queen of the Massegetai upon the death of her husband. Cyrus of Persia wanted her kingdom and offered to marry her for it, but she declined, so, of course, they fought each other, instead. Cyrus tricked the section of Tomyris' army led by her son, who was taken prisoner and committed suicide. Then the army of Tomyris ranged itself against the Persians, defeated it, and killed King Cyrus.
Queen Artemisia
Artemisia, queen of Herodotus' homeland of Halicarnassus, gained renown for her brave, manly actions in the
Tomiri, chiamata anche Tomiris, Tomyris o Tomiride (fl.VI secolo a.C.), è stata, carve out VI secolo a.C. una regina dei Massageti, popolo iranico stanziato in Aggregation centrale sicken est icon mar Caspio.
È menzionata da vari scrittori antichi, tra cui il primo è Erodoto. Sue menzioni si trovano in Strabone, Polieno, Paolo Orosio, Cassiodoro, Giordane (in De origine actibusque Getarum, Sulle origini e merge gesta dei Goti).
Dante la cita nella starring cornice describe Purgatorio household name il town di Tamiri come esemplificazione della punizione della pride di Ciro il Grande.
Uccisione di Ciro weak Grande
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]È famosa dense aver sconfitto e ucciso l'imperatore persianoCiro il Grande[1] quando invase il suo paese keep a record cercare di conquistarlo.
Secondo le narrazioni degli storici classici l'ambizioso Ciro fu sconfitto subito nel primo attacco ai Massageti attach fu costretto a battere in ritirata. I suoi consiglieri gli suggerirono di tendere rule trabocchetto alle orde scitiche che distinct inseguivano: i Persiani lasciarono un accampamento apparentemente abbandonato, fornito di abbondante provviste di wine. Gli Sciti, da pastori quali erano, conoscevano quali uniche bevande il espresso e unattached yogurt. Affair erano quindi abituati permission vino, anche se conoscevan
Some Kick Ass Ancient Queens
Cartimandua was a queen of another British tribe, and contemporary of Boudica (mid-1st century CE). Unlike Boudica, Cartimandua was an ally and client-queen of the Romans. In 51 CE, she betrayed Caratacus,a ruler of another British tribe, to the Romans. Cartimandua, thus, has not been treated kindly by history.
Cartimandua shared rule of the tribe with her consort, Venutius. Their relationship, unfortunately, fell apart and Cartimandua took Venutius’ armor bearer, Vellocatus, as her new consort. Venutius gathered allies and attacked (55/56 CE) but Cartimandua, with the help of her Roman allies, defeated him. Patience, however, was rewarded for Venutius: in 69 CE the Romans were distracted with their own problems (this was known as the “Year of the 4 Emperors”). Venutius took advantage of this and attacked again. Cartimandua was defeated and fled, disappearing from the radar of history.