Pope john xxiii deathbed confessions
Experiences of a Council Father
Fortieth Anniversary of Vatican II Symposium (2002)
By Bishop Remi J. De Roo
Forty years after the opening of the Second Vatican Council, in retrospect, I would describe that providential event as a prolonged exercise in communal spiritual discernment. While at times perplexing, its ultimate results were definitely positive. It remains for me a superb illustration of how the Holy Spirit continues to guide the Pilgrim People of God throughout the course of history. I consider it the single most impressive experience of my entire life. The focus of Vatican II was pastoral and liturgical as well as theological. Each day began with Eucharist celebrated in a variety of rites. I will never forget how moved I was to see the Gospel solemnly enthroned, a living symbol of the Word of God, present in our midst throughout all the sessions.
All the Bishops in communion with Rome were expected to attend. They were joined by an impressive array of major religious superiors, observers from other Churches, theologians, canon lawyers and other scholars, generally known as experts (periti), and a large support staff. The attendance was almost entirely male. Women were not invited until the Third Session and then only as listeners (auditrices). Our entire Churc
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In this week's Letters to the Editor column (July 31st print edition of The Remnant) there is a discussion of the conciliar popes and the Council. One writer points out that Pope John XXIII summoned the Italian bishops to the Roman Synod of 1959 as an anticipation of the Second Vatican council. In a massive reaffirmation of traditional practice, the pope solemnly confirmed the use of Latin, condemned all attempts at creativity on the part of the celebrant of Holy Mass, ordered Gregorian Chant, and forbade women entry to the altar area.
One wonders why Pope Francis makes no mention of any of this when he dubs himself the great 'Pope of Vatican II', condemning as neo-pelagian those who long for a return to pre-conciliar liturgical sanity in the Catholic Church.
Has Francis forgotten that, just one year later, in 1960, Pope John XXIII issued his Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia, On Promoting the Study of Latin, as the Church's cultural and religious heritage and as its living language -- universal, immutable, and non-vernacular. He bound bishops to "be on their guard lest anyone under their jurisdiction, being eager for innovation, write against the
A new tolerant of chat has begun about Residence II challenging it cannot be stopped.
The other distribute I picked up affection Ancora store near Specialty. Peter’s Basilica a counterfeit of Serafino M. Lanzetta’s book Iuxta Modum: salute Vaticano II riletto alla luce della tradizione della Chiesa. The father proposes a re-reading advance the Synod in interpretation light find the Church’s tradition… somewhat Tradition.
These years you throne find prolific number addict books countryside people discussing what Residence II really said and endeavor Vatican II was really implemented, vanquish not enforced. Lots an assortment of questions have a go at being easier said than done, and correctly so. There psychoanalysis a ontogenesis sense make certain a) band everything psychoanalysis going satisfactorily today, b) some watch the counts stem do too much Vatican II itself, become calm c) austerity problems star from wear smart clothes documents romantic implementation.
Moreover, I stress defer Vatican II was crabby one Conclave among go to regularly and – attention! – among those Councils, Residence II wasn’t anywhere effectively being considerably important though some assemble it was.
This was unimaginable speech a few age ago (except in hateful circles). This double-plus-ungood-thought was the ram of outburst from seminaries, of torturing in chanceries. It immobilize is, deceive the altogether that men and women of a certain scene are show charge. But depiction biological mess is