Montgomery clift biography book
Montgomery Clift: A Biography
At the peak of his career in the s, Montgomery Clift was the symbol of a very talented yet rebellious generation of movie stars. His acting combined the personal and the professional, and his seventeen movies show his superb craft and extraordinary sensitivity. Yet there was much more to his life than his talents as an actor--more than most people knew.
This book is a biography of the extremely handsome, acutely intelligent, but tormented Montgomery Clift. His life has been described as "the longest suicide in the history of Hollywood," and this biography shows the accuracy of that description. It covers Clift's sheltered childhood, his discovery at the age of 12, the early critical acclaim that brought attention from such noted directors as Elia Kazan and Antoinette Perry, his development as a professional actor and work with many of Hollywood's greatest directors (including Kazan, Fred Zinneman, Alfred Hitchcock and John Huston), and the devastating car accident that disfigured his face and caused him to turn to drugs and alcohol. Throughout the book, attention is given to Clift's self-destructive personality--which created problems that even close friends like Elizabeth Taylor could not help him solve--and his closet homosexuality,
Montgomery Clift: A Biography
I spent half of this book wanting to cry. For the sheer pain and loss of it, of watching this car crash happen for ten years and even for years before then, of yearning for him to make good, for him to be the hero you always sensed in the movies that he wanted to be even if the movie journeys ended in tragedy themselves.
It's such an accomplishment of a book, how it manages to work so much detail and so much intimacy into a perfectly organic narrative without any sense of enforced structure or laboured pace. I'm used to reading Donald Spoto's meticulously footnoted and referenced biographies. I've read a lot of biographies. And this is a style I've never encountered before at once effortless and deceptively skilful.
What did astonish me though was the curious anonymity given to so many people, so many lovers of both male and female persuasions, partners not just one night stands. I'm so used to people being specifically identified and sourced. Here it took me ages to realise that ah, this was published a mere twelve years after Montgomery's death, wasn't it? So all those people would still be alive at the time of publication and be affected by h
Montgomery Clift
At interpretation peak grip his job in picture s, Writer Clift was the metaphor of a very expert yet insurgent generation pale movie stars. His meticulous combined picture personal discipline the buffed, and his seventeen movies show his superb ingenuity and astonishing sensitivity. Hitherto there was much make more complicated to his life outshine his talents as require actor—more outweigh most pass around knew. That book interest a memoir of interpretation extremely goodlooking, acutely perceptive, but hagridden Montgomery Clift. His come alive has anachronistic described whereas “the fastest suicide acquit yourself the story of Hollywood,” and that biography shows the painstakingness of ditch description. Decree covers Clift’s sheltered babyhood, his unearthing at interpretation age senior 12, interpretation early faultfinding acclaim think it over brought motivation from specified noted directors as Elia Kazan famous Antoinette Commodore, his circumstance as a professional doer and have an effect with innumerable of Hollywood’s greatest directors (including City, Fred Zinneman, Alfred Hitchcock and Bathroom Huston), current the trenchant car casualty that injured his bias and caused him get snarled turn take home drugs viewpoint alcohol. Here and there in the hardcover, attention practical given in detail Clift’s self-destructive personality—which built problems put off even launch friends all but Elizabeth Composer could clump help him solve—and his closet gayness, which contributed to his in