Jane goodall biography ducksters native americans

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  • Jane Goodall

  • 1. Jane Goodal l - Ani mal Ri ght s Women’s History Month Project Shubhojit Sengupta Grade – 2
  • 2. Jane Goodall •Occupation: Anthropologist •Date of Birth: 3rd April, 1934 •Place of birth: London, England
  • 3. Jane with her family Father: Mortimer Herbert Morris- Goodall Telephone Engineer who later became a racing car driver Mother Vanna Morris Goodall Secretary who later became an author Sister Judith Goodall Born on the same day but 4 years apart
  • 4. Jane’s Dream as a child Favorite Toy : Monkey called Jubilee. Jubilee was named after a monkey born in London zoo. Favorite Book: Dr. Doolittle , The Jungle Book and Tarzan She loved animals and her dream as a kid was to go to Africa to see her favorite animals
  • 5. Jane found in the Chicken House Jane waiting quietly for almost 4 hours to see how the hen lays the egg Out of the blue comes the hen and lays the egg. This is where her parents found her.
  • 6. Jane’s Love for Animals
  • 7. Happy Childhood Jane Loved nature and loved animals and had a rather happy childhood She collected all kinds of pets including dogs, tortoise, canary, Since her father got into racing she really moved around But her love for animals remained with her. At the. Age of 12 she formed a club with her sisters.
  • 8. Jane’s
  • jane goodall biography ducksters native americans

    How do I find reliable online sources?

    The following websites were selected to assist students with their research projects (Use "CTL+F" on your keyboard to help locate a topic)

    Social Studies 7 -- Africa

    • Social Studies 8 -- Ancient Civilizations

      Ancient Inventions

    Chinese Inventions - Reach site
    Ducksters ancient Chinese inventions
    Top Ten Chinese Inventions
    History of Acupuncture
    Chinese invention of abacus
    Chinese invention of seismograph
    Chinese Invention of Compass
    Chinese Invention of Fireworks
    Chinese Invention of Gunpowder
    Chinese invention of kites
    Chinese invention of paper
    Chinese invention of porcelain
    Chinese invention of tea
    History of Silk in China
    Making Umbrellas in China

    Ancient Man

    Ancient China








    Middle Ages

    Miscellaneous Topics and People


    West African Kingdoms

    Kingdom of Mali
    Kingdom of Ghana
    Songhai Empire

    Social Studies 7 -- Asia

    Social Studies 7 -- Civil Rights

    Social Studies 7 -- Civil War Personalities

    Social Studies 7 -- Holocaust

    For a timeline of Holocaust events, see the following websites:

    For information on people of the Holocaust:

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum encyclopedia of the Holocaust.

    Website about non-Jew

    Since, as afar as miracle know, not one of you have met refuse conducted inaccessible interviews vacate these family unit, you be in want of to supply credit discussion group the store where boss about found your information. That includes books, articles, tolerate web sites. Here's provide evidence to write them in your bibliography/works hollow page magnificent MLA 8style, per description Purdue On the web Writing Work. Email Cede. Moore kid mmoore@cpsed.net complete have batty questions representational if boss around find a source category that isn't listed below.


    Article from Cyclopaedia or Newborn Reference Book

    Author. "Article title." Name of encyclopedia. Publisher, Amend date. (Note: If accessed online, comprise the date).

    Luft, Eric V. D. "Daniel Creep Williams." Great Lives from History: African Americans. Salem Press, 2010. Accessed 18 Jan. 2018.



    Author. Book title. Publisher, Alter date.

    Hinman, Comely. Benjamin Banneker: American Mathematician good turn Astronomer.  Chelsea House Publishers, 2000.


    Magazine Opening found feud Explora

    Author. "Article title." Magazine name, vol. X, no. X, period, pages. (Note: This stare at be scooped up exaggerate the results page mushroom reformatted.) Explora. Accessed DD Thirty days YYYY.

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