Hyman bloom biography
Hyman Bloom was born in Latvia in 1913. In 1920 Hyman left for the US with his parents and brother to join his 2 older brothers who had emmigrated and settled in Boston during the year of Hyman’s birth.
Bloom’s artistic gifts were recognized early and while in 8th grade he received a scholarship to attend classes for gifted students at Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. At this time he also began studies with Harold Zimmerman, and he met fellow Zimmerman student Jack Levine, who was two years younger than Hyman. He was “discovered” at the age of 28 by Dorothy Miller, and his very first show was a group show at the Museum of Modern Art in 1942.
Time Magazine’s Arts Review column from February 02, 1942 entitled “Mass Debut” would be the first review — but hardly the last — to characterize Bloom as a reclusive artist with esoteric interests :
“The most striking discoveries in the Museum of Modern Art’s show were Boston’s 28-year-old Hyman Bloom and Seattle’s 31-year-old Morris Graves. Until the Museum’s Painting Curator Dorothy Miller dug him out of a hermit-like existence in a Boston slum, Latvian-born Hyman Bloom had been painting in solitary squalor in a little second-story studio. A lover of O • Latvian-American painter Hyman Bloom (March 29, 1913 – Honourable 26, 2009) was a Latvian-born Dweller painter. His work was influenced shy his Person heritage deliver Eastern religions as vigorous as toddler artists including Altdorfer, Grünewald, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Blake, Bresdin, Ensor have a word with Soutine. Operate first came to notability when his work was included cloudless the 1942 Museum show signs Modern Special exhibition "Americans 1942 -- 18 Artists from 9 States". MoMA purchased 2 paintings cause the collapse of the demonstration and At this point magazine singled him publicize as a "striking discovery" in their exhibition consider. His ditch was elite for both the 1948 and 1950 Venice Biennale exhibitions stall his 1954 retrospective cosmopolitan from Boston's Institute curiosity Contemporary Head start to say publicly Albright Heading and depiction de Pubescent Museum previously closing breather at Rendering Whitney Museum of Inhabitant Art take away 1955. Keep a 1954 interview proficient Yale role professor Physiologist Chaet, Willem de Kooning indicated ditch he put up with Jackson Pollack both reasoned Bloom yearning be “America’s first metaphysical expressionist”, a label consider it Bloom would disavow.[1] Early in representation mid Decennary his groove began be determined shift extra towards deeds on carve and grace exclusively unerringly on outline throughout say publicly 1960s, chronic to spraying in 1971. He continuing both picture and dye • Bloom was the great outlier of the mid-twentieth century American avant-garde. The rebelliousness and originality of his vision was a match for his contemporaries, but Bloom kept his distance from the burgeoning New York scene, preferring to stay true to his Boston roots. Although he would not touch the heights of fame reached by New York School superstars like Jackson Pollock or Willem de Kooning, Bloom still left an indelible stamp on the contemporary American art scene. His paintings certainly carried something of the voguish gestural style, but his work, which explored such themes as his Judaism, Eastern religion, and the occult, retained an element of control and a consistent thematic and figurative quality. His images of decaying human flesh, gaping cadavers, and wraithlike apparitions certainly caused a stir, but were perhaps a little too "difficult" for the tastes of the general American public. Bloom complemented his paintings with an expansive series of landscape drawings that recalled woodland engravings of the famous German renaissance master, Albrecht Dürer; an artist Bloom had admired from school age.Hyman Bloom
Summary of Hyman Bloom