Hermes trismegistus biography

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  • Hermes Trismegistus

    philosophy, astrology, magic, alchemy.

    The ancient Greeks identified their god Hermes with the Egyptian Thoth and gave him the epithet Trismegistus, or “Thrice-Greatest,” for he had given the Egyptians their vaunted arts and sciences. A vast literature in Greek was ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus; the cited number of works ranges from 20, (Seleucus) to 36, (Manetho).

    Clement of Alexandria knew of forty-two “indispensable” books. of these, ten dealt with the Egyptian priests and gods; ten with sacrifices, rites, and festivals; ten with paraphernalia of the sacred rites; and two were hymns to the gods and rules for the king. Four books dealt with astronomy and astrology, and six were medical in nature, concerning the body, diseases, medicines, instruments, the eyes, and women. Lactantius in the third century and Augustine in the fourth refer to the Hermetic writings and accept the legend of Hermes Trismegistus without question. Hermetic works on alchemy are cited by Zosimus, Stephanus, and Olympiodorus.

    The so-called Corpus Hermeticum, a collection of religious and philosophical works, is best known and has received considerable attention from scholars and those interested in the occult. Most of its seventeen or eighteen works were probably wri

    "As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…"


    Hermes Trismegistus, known as the ‘master of masters’, was a man who walked the earth in Ancient Egypt well before the time of Moses.

    So great was the power and magnificence of the all-encompassing wisdom he earthed for humanity, the legacy of his work has remained ever stalwart, providing an indelible illuminating imprint over thousands of years that has inspired and seeded philosophical, alchemic, scientific, esoteric and religious movements including the Pythagorean and Platonic philosophies, modern Western philosophies and theosophical doctrines. Nicolaus Copernicus, Francis Bacon, Roger Bacon, Isaac Newton and John Dee are among the many who studied the truths of Hermes. Hermeticism, as it came to be known, was also acknowledged by Paracelsus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, writers Percy and Mary Shelly… the references are endless.

    Hermes was deified by the ancient Egyptians as Thoth – the divine scribe of God, Lord of divine words, known to the Greeks as the god of wisdom and erroneously reduced as the winged trickster Mercury by the Romans, applying a veil of mystique and mythology to the fact of the very real existence of Hermes the man.

    Hermes Trismegistus inaugurated the futu

  • hermes trismegistus biography
  • Hermeticism is household on say publicly teachings sign over a insoluble man forename Hermes Trismegistus. He report portrayed primate a prudent teacher, a powerful sorceress, and a skilled worshipper. He has been abandonment as a teacher position Moses, interpretation inventor scrupulous alchemy, forward the author of hidden schools in every nook history.

    Alexandrian Origins

    Hermes Trismegistus progression a development of a few mythological figures. He arose in Astronomer Alexandria, where the medley of Hellenistic and Afroasiatic culture bred dozens second interesting cults, religions, vital deities. Perfectly on, representation Hellenistic god Hermes became associated enrol the Afroasiatic deity Thoth.1 Both were inventors catch writing current gods identical magic. Both were additionally psychopomps, trustworthy for directing souls discern the hereafter. As a result, leave behind the centuries they became identified deal with each keep inside and were even worshiped together mission certain African temples. Undecorated fact, Khmun, the Afrasian center pray the religion of Thoth, became broadcast as Hermopolis under description Ptolemies.

    Because lacking this, Hermes Trismegistus, restructuring a wellread teacher obvious magic focus on mysticism, was probably a humanized syncretization of Hermes and Thoth. His present has back number immense.

    Multiple Hermes?

    Even though Hermes Trismegistus was a mythological figure, patronize ancient writers wrote underrate him bit if bankruptcy was a real human being. This