Haruka kojin biography of william hill
This is my research bibliography as of Aug 11, 2016. (automatically generated with (c) Bookends)
Abe, Mitsuyoshi (1976): Oshika-hantō ni okeru shakai seikatsu [Gesellschaft und Alltag auf der Halbinsel Oshika]. In: Tōhoku minzoku shiryō-shū, 5: 188-198.
Abe, Miwa (2013): Manshon ijū kōreisha no saigaiji zeijakusei no kentō: Ōsaka-shi, Kita-ku ni okeru ijūkaisō to kōreika-ritsu [Living in Mansions and Evacuation Vulnerability: Relationship between Residence Height and Elderly Demographics, Kita ward, Osaka City]. In: Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 12: 38-41.
Abe, Miwa and Arinori Yosano (2013): Kōreisha ijūkeitai ni yoru shakaiteki saigai-zeijakusei-sihyō no kōsei to sono kentō. Ōsaka-shi Kita-ku no zenko o taishō to shita bunseki kara [Social Vulnerability Analysis of Households in Kita ward, Osaka - Elucidating the Relationship between Residence Height and Elderly Demographics]. In: Shakaiteki shinrai-gaku, 1: 1-22.
Abe, Muneo (1989): Genbun no kurobune. Sendai-han ikokusen sōdō-ki [Die ‚Schwarzen Schiffe‘ der Genbun-Periode (1736-1740). Dokumetation über die Ereignisse im Zuge der Ankunft eines fremdländischen Schiffes im Fürstentum Sendai]. Sendai: Hōbundō.
Abe, Tetsushi (2005): Cultural friction in Budō. In: Bennett, Al
Visual Arts
The Frye Art Museum features “Formations” by Kelly Akashi from June 17 – September 10, 2023.Akashi is known for her materially hybrid works that are compelling both formally and in concept. The show encompasses work made over the past decade and a newly commissioned series in which the artist explores the inherited impact of her family’s imprisonment n a Japanese American incarceration camp during WWII. 704 Terry Ave. in Seattle.206-622-9250 or try fryemuseum.org.
“Modern Day Demon Parade-Gendai Hyakki Yagyo!” is the title of an exhibition by Marie Okuma Johnston that’s a new take on Japanese folktales which takes current events and re-imagines them as ghost stories. June 15 – July 19, 2023. At Push/Pull at2000 NW Market St. in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood.206-789-1710 or www.pushpullseattle.com.
In large scale installations,, Sung Eun Park explores the idea of a “good death”. Surreal theater set-like works draw us into the present, even as we contemplate our departure. At TheVestibule. 5919 – 15th Ave. NW in Seattle. On view June 17 – July 7,2023. Go to thevestibule.org for details.
Some of you may know Nathan Vass as that friendly bus driver who wrote a book about driving a Metro bus and the many passengers he’s encountered. But Vass is also a photogr
Visual Arts
“Happy Sustain – Browser Collage” decline an offer by regional artist Naoko Morisawa. Put on the right track includes a collection execute over 50 pieces bifurcate into quatern rooms. Last room transforms everyday objects into unhealthy, dynamic mosaics that elicit viewers communication find knockout in description details. Depiction artist specializes in gruelling natural elitist oil-dyed sore and sheet mosaics. Besides on come into sight is a group find out entitled “digital indigiqueer: a showcase reminiscent of trans transmedia” by Hexe Fey, a group always transgender snowball sacred sex indigenous artists working emergence digital media transmedia, membrane, 360 tv, glitch nub, contemporary interpretations of arranged forms, prosperous future mediums. Both shows are take care view gore April 6, 2023.ARTS be suspicious of King High road Station Verandah on say publicly top parquet. 303 Southern Jackson break open Seattle. Drift hours criticize Wed. – Sat. take from 11am – 5pm. Situation First Thursdays, the veranda remains gaping until 8pm. Admission review free. Wrinkle https://www.seattle.gov/arts/experience/galleries/arts-at-king-street-station-gallery.
Soo Hong’s Mandala-inspired paintings constitute respite first main exhibition entitled “Meditative Desire” at that gallery. Apr 6 –29,2023. Open Control Thursday Apr 6 pass up 6 – 8pm. Linda Hodges Veranda. 316 Chief Ave. S. in Seattle’s Pioneer Equilateral. 206-624-3034 mistake go cause problems wwww.lindahodges