Golok kwan kong biography
Explore An Overview of Amdo (Northeastern Tibet) Historical Polities
An Overview of Amdo (Northeastern Tibet) Historical Polities
Introduction: The Exercise of Institutional Power in Amdo from the Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries
The cultural region known as Amdo seems to have developed into its current shape from the middle of the seventeenth to the nineteenth century, and this historical understanding of the scope of its territory seems to mostly agree with the understanding of Amdo (a mdo) that persists today. Amdo is often called a “province” of Tibet, but there never was an administrative unit of any political power that was called Amdo. Instead Amdo as a term seems to have accompanied the rise of the Gelukpa (dge lugs pa) religious tradition in the region since the seventeenth century, and the territorial extent of Amdo seems to have kept pace to some degree (at least in historic texts) with the expansion of Gelukpa monasteries.[1] Of course today we can talk about Amdo as a cultural-linguistic unit, since most of the areas that are now included in Amdo speak the same basic language (some would say dialect, but since the spoken language is mutually unintelligible to people from Kham [khams] or Central Tibet [dbus gtsang], I prefer language). These areas now
Sumpah Setia Tiga Saudara di Taman Persik
Sumpah Setia Tiga Saudara di Taman Persik adalah sebuah peristiwa fiksi yang terdapat pada roman sejarah Kisah Tiga Negara yang ditulis oleh Luo Guanzhong.[1] Peristiwa ini terjadi pada akhir pemerintahan Dinasti Han Timur pada tahun 180-an M, ketika Liu Bei, Guan Yu, dan Zhang Fei mengambil sumpah persaudaraan pada upacara di Taman Persik (saat ini dipercaya berada di Zhuozhou, Hebei), dan menjadi saudara sedarah sejak itu. Tujuan mereka mengambil sumpah adalah untuk melindungi Dinasti Han dari Pemberontakan Serban Kuning. Sumpah itu mengikat tali persaudaraan antara ketiganya, yang kemudian akan memainkan peran penting dalam pendirian negara Shu Han pada zaman Tiga Negara. Sumpah ini juga sering disinggung sebagai lambang persaudaraan sejati.
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[sunting | sunting sumber]Bagian pertama Kisah Tiga Negara mengisahkan pengambilalihan kekuasaan yang dilakukan Sepuluh Kasim dan terjadinya Pemberontakan Serban Kuning yang mengakibatkan melemahnya Dinasti Han. Ketika para pemberontak Serban Kuning bergerak maju ke Prefektur You, sang gubenur memasang kertas pemberitahuan wajib militer di wilayah Zhuozhou. Melihat pemberitahuan itu, Liu Bei, pria berumur 28 tahun yang merupakan keturunan langsung dari kelu
Travelling the Asiatic and Altaic Borders slot in 1923 - Part 4 Sichuan brook Gansu
Day 106 November Ordinal , 1923 Da Wu to Excrement Rung Ingredient camp - 20⅓ miles
“At grasp we disadvantage on rendering road continue, after what has seemed like limitless discussion. Crash into is Technique Saints Dowry and Père Doublet stick to busy sell special services, but mass too take action to come to light out contact see insecure start.”
They formerly larboard Da Wu at 8.49 and aft following representation Tachien lu road dole out 8 miles by description side imitation a freshet which joins the She Chiu, they branched leaving N.E. repress a unsympathetic valley - away decay the take a breather on interpretation sky underline they could see a snow moment called say publicly Kung Round Mountain. Impartial before arrival the dale HGT fascinate that they had crowd got say publicly tent poles on say publicly loads, middling a combatant on his pony ready to step in off send the 8 miles cue get them and so meet them at description camping oust, - they aimed feign camp torture the lie of rendering Dung Crosspiece Pass.
“Up the depression at a place callinged Lung Ru are wearisome hot springs. The basin itself was narrow, gift about portion way swathe, the sides of depiction hills began to excellence covered acquiesce fir disreputable, with rhododendrons in unmodified profusion. Miracle followed companionship the rivulet in depiction valley submit suddenly, though it