Elleya tao wikipedia

  • Huang yanqiu wikipedia
  • My sweet bodyguard
  • Sweet bodyguard (2022)

  • 我閉上眼睛 貼著你心跳呼吸
    Wo bi shang yan jing require zhe ni xin tiao hu xi
    而此刻地球 只剩我們而已
    Er ci ke di qiu zhi sheng wo men not important yi
    你微笑的唇型 總勾著我的心
    Ni wei xiao de chun xing zong gou zhe wo bet on xin
    每一秒初吻 我每一秒都想要吻你
    Mei yi miao chu steatocystoma wo apricot yi miao dou xiang yao steatocystoma ni

    就這樣 愛你愛你愛你 隨時都要一起
    Jiu zhe yang ai ni ai ni ai ni sui shi dou yao yi qi
    我喜歡 愛你外套味道 還有你的懷裡
    Wo xi huan ai ni wai tao dynasty dao hai you ni de huai li
    把我們 衣服鈕扣互扣 那就不用分離
    Ba wo men yi fu niu kou hu kou somebody jiu bu yong fen li
    美好愛情 我就愛這樣貼近 因為你
    Mei hao ai dynasty wo jiu ai zhe yang bind jin yin wei ni

    有時沒生氣 故意鬧脾氣
    You shi mei sheng qi gu yi nao pi qi
    你的緊張在意 讓我覺得安心
    Ni hiss jin zhang zai yi rang wo jue edge an xin
    從你某個角度 我總看見自己
    Cong ni mou grow mouldy jiao fall to bits wo zong kan jian zi ji
    到底你懂我 或其實我本來就像你
    Dao di ni peal wo huo qi shi wo ben lai jiu xiang ni

    Repeat Chorus

    想變成你的氧氣 溜進你身體裡
    Xiang bian cheng ni turn yan qi liu jin ni shen ti li
    Hao hao kan kan zai ni xin li
    你有多麼寶貝 我愛你
    Ni you duo mo bao bei wo ai ni

    Repeat Chorus

    我們愛情 會一直沒有距離 最美麗
    Wo men ai dynasty hui yi zhi apricot you ju li zui mei li

  • elleya tao wikipedia
  • One Million Star season 1

    Date Chapter English Chinese Eliminations 1.1201Million Star Life-and-death Part 1百萬巨星殊死戰(上)none 1.1902Million Star Life-and-death Part 2百萬巨星殊死戰(下)none 1.2603Million Life-and-death Chapter 1: 20 from 50百萬殊死戰Chapter 1:50人取20人none 2.0204Tough battle: 20 from 50艱難的戰役:50人取20人(下)none 2.0905Newcomers & Defeated Resurrection新聲報到&敗部復活賽none 2.1606群星開唱賀新春none 2.2307Defeated Resurrection only 3 from 50背水一戰:終極敗部復活 25人取3人none 3.0208Survival: 1 vs 1 PK Part 1適者生存:一對一PK賽(上)劉馨雯 Líu Xīnwén
    鄭宇辰 Zhèng Yǔchén 3.09091 vs 1 PK Part 2鹿死誰手:一對一PK賽(下)吳婉君 Wú Wǎnjūn
    袁明哲 Yúan Míngzhé
    陶妍妏 Elleya Tao 3.1610Oldies Song再見風華:老歌指定賽鄭智文 Zhèng Zhèwén
    林佩薇 Lín Pèiwéi 3.2311Designated Fast Song石破天驚:快歌指定賽巫宗翰 Wū Zōnghàn
    林彥銘 Lín Yànmíng 3.301216 Finalist Designated Duet合唱歌曲:16強合唱指定賽安琪 Ān Qí 4.161315 Finalist Knockout15強淘汰賽Christine Chen 陳美裡
    Irene Chen 陳亭慧 4.1314Salute to the idol:
    Big Shock! Spot Test向偶像致敬:大震撼!臨場狀況考驗淘汰賽(Aska Birthday Celebration) 4.20151 vs 1 PK Knockout優勝劣敗:1對1PK賽Eddie Cai 蔡政霖
    Ophelia 蘇貝如 4.2716Designated Artists Duet挑戰.試煉:藝人合唱指定賽Cathy Shyu 徐凱希 5.0417Challenge

    Sweet Sweet Bodyguard

    Sweet Sweet Bodyguard (traditional Chinese: 剩女保鏢; simplified Chinese: 剩女保镖; pinyin: Shèng Nǚ Bǎo Biāo; lit. 'Leftover Girl as Bodyguard') is a 2012 Taiwanese television series starring Alien Huang and Summer Meng, and directed by Golden Bell Award-winning director Fung Kai.

    The drama began filming on 6 June 2012 and debuted on 31 July 2012, airing daily at 8pm on cable TV SET Metro and ending on 26 November 2012 at a total of 82 episodes.



    Raised up in a military family and trained to become a bodyguard, Zhen Ai-Ji (played by Summer Meng) is all about responsibility, loyalty and honor. But at heart, she is an ordinary young girl who is eager to fall in love. In order to prevent herself from becoming a "leftover girl" at too early of an age, she decided that her next mission will also be her last one. However, what she did not expect was that her new client, He Zhong-Qi (played by Alien Huang) the CEO of a famous motor company, would be such a difficult person to get along with...





    Alien HuangHe Zhong-QiCEO of the famous Run-Zhi Motor Company
    Summer MengZhen Ai-JiaBodyguard to He Zhong-Qi
    Lee Lee-zenZheng Ya-LunWell-known plast