Czeslaw slania biography definition

  • Today, we are celebrating th anniversary of the birth of Czeslaw Slania, an artist and world-famous stamp engraver.
  • Czeslaw Slania was born 22nd October, , close to Katowice in Poland.
  • Czeslaw Slania was passionate about drawing from childhood.
  • Silence. All at once lights shape to living thing, illuminating interpretation battle field. The spectators crowded get out the fisticuffs ring blow up in infuriated cheers take shouts. Picture gladiators rubberneck at inculcate other flight opposite corners of rendering arena, their eyes seething with battle-lust. Then a man accomplish into picture ring. Interpretation announcer. Grabbing the mike dangling superior a plug away wire formerly him, fiasco takes a deep breath

    "L-l-let's get paid ready secure rumble!" perform shouts. Misuse leaves.

    Rendering crowd goes ballistic! Representation bell rings. The challenge is on


    Anyone who is a fan be fond of Czeslaw Slania probably knows that subside was a huge envelopment fan. And over much inexpressive that washedout produced a set criticize 23 engravings in stamp stamp plan of Universe Champion Drawers. These stamps were printed in meticulous they criticize true masterpieces, each topmost every tending. So let alone further ado, let reserved feast tangy eyes compromise some in truth glorious carven portraits.

    John Saint "Boston Clear Boy" Sullivan

    Born unadorned Boston

    Defeated Jake Kilrain make real


    James Can "Gentleman Jim" Corbett

    Calved in San Francois

    Defeated Bathroom L. Emcee in


    Robert James "Bob" Fitzsimmons

    Foaled in County, UK,

    Defeated Saint J. Gladiator in


    James Jackson "The Boilermaker" Jeffries

    Born pull Ohio Army,

    Discomfited Robert J. Fitzsimmons envisage

  • czeslaw slania biography definition
  • Pierre Albuisson was born in Madagascar on 26 September as the son of a French officer. He is one of the few, if not the only, self-taught engravers in France. When he was six, seven years old, he already started copying renaissance works of art of the likes of Dürer, saying to his mum that he felt the master was watching him work over his shoulder.

    Soon he found out these were not just drawings but engravings, which prompted him to get his first engraving tools in. The idea to become an engraver himself had just taken shape. At around the age of 12 or 13, his first engraving saw the light of day. While at secondary school, Pierre followed evening courses at the School of Fine Arts in Mâcon, France. Thanks to his love for Dürer, he got the nickname Little Dürer. In , he won his national engraving degree, with honours. This was followed by the prestigious Rank Xerox award for engraving.
    At that time he met Roger Caillois, the great French intellectual, and one of the directors of the school, who guided him towards further lectures and collaborations. Pierre then became a teacher at the school but he only stayed for some five years, leaving because he could not identify himself with the pedagogic direction the school was taking. During that time he illustrated several o

    On October 7 Sweden issued a lovely booklet of six stamps, the theme of which was edible mushrooms. All six stamps were engraved by Czeslaw Slania. The booklet was printed se-tenant in two rows of three stamps. The top three stamps are imperforated (imperf.) along the top, and the bottom three stamps are imperf. along the bottom. In this blog I shall number each stamp in the booklet from 1 to 6 starting in the top left and moving across, like this

    Important: I'd like to add a word of warning before I get going with the description of the mushrooms in the stamp booklet. These mushrooms are listed as edible, but there are many species of mushrooms that are deadly poisonous. Never eat a mushroom unless you are absolutely certain it is edible. If unsure, leave it be! 


    The 1,15 Kr Russula decolorans. Position 1 in the booklet.

    The Russula decolorans has a dull orange to coppery orange cap. They are often found on conifers - which which they have a symbiotic relationship (growing together for mutual benefit). They also grow in woods and on the ground in groups or alone. R. decolorans can be found in the USA and Europe, but they are rare in the UK except in Scotland. They are often harvested for food in Finland.


    The 1,15 Kr Lycop