Cristina rubino at csun biography
Experts Directory: Workplace Issues: Management slab Training
Vicki Allen
Student Affairs
work: (818) 677-5109
- Leadership development
- Student development
- Communication
- Cross-cultural communication
- Racism
- Programming budgeting
- Time management
- Stress management
- Mentoring
- Goal-setting
- Ethics
Debra L. Hammond
Executive Director, Institution of higher education Student Union
work: (818) 677-2390
- Multiculturalism
- Leadership
- Student development
- Customer service
- Team building
- Management
- Goal setting
- Program thought and development
- Organizational development, i.e. restructuring concentrate on strategic planning
- Restructuring and principal planning
- Change management
- Nonprofit management
- Decision making
- Mentoring
Learn more draw near to Debra L. Hammond:
Daisy Lemus
Department of Communicating Studies
work: (818) 677-2853
- Organizational communication
- Group communication
- Research methods
- Retirement planning
- Team building
Richard Moore
Department fence Management
work: (818) 677-2416
- Public approach and employment training
- Federal Personnel Investment Act
- Indonesia
- Evaluating job loyalty programs
- Management activity in say publicly public sector
- Author: “P
CSUN Business Honors Program Infomercial 2011
"Hi my name is Gene and I'm a Matador.
Classmates and faculty:
Today we are celebrating our achievements in graduating and I would like to take this moment to reflect on my experiences here at CSUN.
It seems not too long ago that we were sitting in GBUS overwhelmed with team projects, porters 5 forces, and APA formatting.
During my journey here at CSUN I witnessed the strength of teamwork and learned valuable things that I have already applied in my life.
Teamwork is the fuel that allows individuals to achieve extraordinary results and overcome challenges.
By fostering and developing friendships through the MBA program we graduate with more than our diplomas, we have the support of our alumni community to enrich our careers and personal lives.
Yes, the MBA program has brought as together and taught us wonderful things but what's next?
Moving foreword I hope we, as the class of 2012, continue to enrich our community through personal development and mutual respect.
Next time you find yourself saying someone should do something about that, that someone is you,
You not only have the power to change the world for the better but now you also share that responsibility with the CSUN faculty students and alumni.
I would l•
Cristina Rubino
Cristina Rubino received her Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational psychology from the University of Houston. Her major research interests include employee health and well-being, diversity, and teams. Her work focuses on expanding established stress-strain models, examining diversity at both the individual and team levels, and integrating well-being research within the team context to identify additional factors that impact team outcomes. She has published academic articles in journals such as Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Stress & Health, and International Journal of Selection and Assessment. She also has applied her expertise by leading and participating on a variety of large-scale projects focused on job analysis, training, team composition, customer satisfaction, and mentoring with numerous organizations, including City of Los Angeles, ExxonMobil, and NASA. She has also presented her research at the top conferences, including the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Academy of Management annual meetings.