Charles dickens short biography pdf for students
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Short biography of charles dickens
Life of Charles Dickens.pdf
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Ewa Kujawska-Lis
Acta Neophilologica, 2003
This paper sets out to investigate the relationship between Charles Dickens's personal beliefs and attitudes towards Ragged Schools and his fictional presentation of this particular Victorian educational institution. Education figures prominently in Dickens's fiction, and no Dickens novel is without a teacher, a governess or a school. Generally, his fictional presentation of schools is negative, with such prominent examples as Dotheboys Hall in Nicholas Nickleby, Mrs Pipchin's school and Dr Blimber's Academy in Dombey and Son, Salem House Academy in David Copperfield, or Mr M'Choakumchild's school in Hard Times. From the very few positive examples of educational institutions, one may mention Dr Strong's school, in which David Copperfield is educated, or Greenleaf School, where Esther Summerson receives her education. In Dickens's last finished novel, Our Mutual Friend, education is represented by what is generally believed to be a portrait of a Ragged School for the poorest where Charley Hexam is initially a pupil. The frequent recurrence of the theme of education in his fiction shows that Dickens