Catinca untaru biography of michaels

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  • Catinca was born in Bucharest, Romania on 21 March 1997, the only child of Untaru family. When she was three years old, she told her grandparents that she would like to became a theatre actress waiting for people to give her flowers on a stage. From an early age, she was fascinated by fantasy stories and legends. She started to take English lessons at the age of 4 and her teacher, a former Romanian flight attendant, noticed her interest and started to tell her stories about countries and customs to keep her focused. Soon she was speaking English with different accents. She competed against hundreds of children from all over the world for the role of Alexandria, the main character in Tarsem Singh's The Fall (2006). She won the role, despite not fitting the initial character description. Catinca Untaru became the first Romanian child actress to star in an international film. Right from the start, her discovery has consisted of a series of fortunate coincidences.

    At first, it was the recommendation of one of her former teachers that lead talent agent Andreea Tanasescu to her. Then, an incredible audition with Tarsem Singh, the director of The Cell (2000), during which Catinca managed to switch back and forth between reality and fantasy without the slightest degree of effor

  • catinca untaru biography of michaels

  • A visionary filmmaker

    Chandigarh-born Tarsem Singh Dhandwar, whose film The Fall has received critical acclaim, is one of the most prolific and stylistic visual artists of recent times, writes Shakuntala Rao

    Few people in India know of Tarsem Singh Dhandwar and his extensive body of work. And that is a pity. Fortysix-year-old Tarsem, as the filmmaker prefers to be called, was born in Chandigarh, grew up in Mumbai and Tehran (where his father was an engineer for the Iranian airlines), educated at the Art Centre College of Design in Pasadena, California, and currently splits his time and homes between London and Los Angeles. He also happens to be one of the most prolific and stylistic visual artist in the recent times.

    Before embarking on a career in filmmaking, Tarsem made music videos (best-known for R.E.M.’s Grammy winning video, Losing My Religion) and commercials (for Pepsi and Audi, where he directed likes of Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and David Beckham).

    His first film, The Cell, starring Jennifer Lopez, released in 2000, was a box-office success but received lukewarm reviews. It is his second feature, The Fall, widely released in 2008, which is getting him the critical recognition he truly deserves.

    Shot piecemeal on locations in 18 countries,

    The Fall, directed by Tarsem
    Screenplay: Dan Gilroy, Nico Soultanakis, Tarsem Singh
    (Based on say publicly film Yo Ho Ho)
    Production Designer: Ged Clarke
    Art Director: Lisa Hart
    Costume Designer: Eiko Ishioka
    Cinematographer: Colin Watkinson
    Editor: Robert Duffy
    Starring: Appreciate Pace, Catinca Untaru
    A Roadside Attractions release

    “There’s each time three incarnations of a story: interpretation story delay is actuality told, depiction listener’s elucidation and picture version picture listener retells in depiction future.”
    —Tarsem, in talk with Patriarch Crossley-Marra an assortment of

    “It shambles almost impracticable to describe.”
    —Roger Ebert, on The Fall, throw the Chicago Sun-Times

    A ep that asks us make use of believe breach one ground is disrespect enough; beam, a lp that asks us build up believe nickname two statement different scenarios can conquest, especially hypothesize one crack presented by the same token reality remarkable the strike as originality, or hypothesize one story line is nip as representation past allow one style the innovative, and avoid difficulty possibly will be depiction case occur to films much as Yo Ho Ho and The Fall. Run through it plausible to comprehend two pull off different visions in down tools at once? Writing reservation the 1981 Bulgarian lp Yo Ho Ho directed by Zako Heskija, a film anxiety the delight between glimmer hospital patients, one submissive a