Biography of muhammad auwal adam albania zariah

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    Written by Dr. Abdurrafiu Abdulganiy. Director Darul hadithis salafiyyah, Zaria Nigeria.



    Born on 6th Rabuinith Thani, 1379 equivalent to 27th September, 1960 in Muchia, Sabon Gari, Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria to the family of Alhaji Adamu Musa and Hajia Saudatu


    It was the desire of his mother that he becomes a cleric and as such he abandoned his desire of becoming a journalist. Shaykh Albaniy started his educational career in a missionary school in Sabon Gari, Zaria and attended government commercial secondary school, Barewa college and Demonstration secondary school all in Zaria. He attended Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria from 1992 to 1994 where he obtained a Diploma in Shari’a Law with Distinction. He also obtained a Diploma in Hausa Language from BUK, Diploma in Mass Communication from the University of Jos.

    He attended Federal University of Technology Yola, from 2002 to 2007 where he graduated with a Second Class Degree Honors (Upper Division) in Information and Communications Technology.

    He was a Postgraduate student at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University when he was killed.

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    Albani Zaria

    Mukala mai kyau
    An taskan ce wannan muƙalar a cikin jerin Muƙaloli_masu_kyau a Hausa Wikipedia
    Ana sa ran wata rana wannan muƙalar zata kasance a Babban Shafin Muƙalar mu a yau

    Muhammad Auwal Adam Albaniy Zaria (An haife shi ne a ranar ashirin da bakwai 27 ga watan Satumbar shekara suggestion alif ɗari tara cocktail sitting miladiyya 1960) Sannan ya rasu ne a ranar 1 ga watan Fabrairun shekara ta 2014) ya kasance malamin addinin Musulunci squad a Najeriya wanda ya ƙware a fannin Hadisi.[1] Dokar Musulunci, kuma ya ƙware a Ilimin sadarwa na zamani kuma Injiniya ne a fannin sadarwa ta zamani wato (ICT). Kuma ya kasance Tela ne a matakin farko na rayuwarsa, wanda yake yawan ƙiran kansa cocktail shi, wato (ƙwararrun teloli). Shi quantity malami a big shot farko tipple ya fara gabatar alcoholic drink kalmar tipple kuma akidar Salafiyyah ga tsirarrun ɗaliban Islama a Najeriya. Malaman Najeriya alcoholic drink yawan su suna a wannan zamani suna ɗaukar shi a matsayin mafi girman malamin Salafiyyah a Najeriya.[2]

    Farkon rayuwa da Ilimi

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Albani ya samo asali think daga jahar Kano a Arewacin Najeriya amma play down haife shi ne a Muchia Sabon Gari, Zariya. Ya yi karatun farko a yankin kafin ya koma Kwalejin Barewa. Ya yi karatun Mass Speaking a Jami’ar Bayero, Kano. Ya

  • biography of muhammad auwal adam albania zariah
  • HISTORY OF ALBANI Sheikh Muhammad Auwal Adam Albani Zaria had his origins from Kano but was born and bred in Muchia Sabon Gari, Zaria. He had his primary education in the area before he moved to Barewa College Zaria. He studied Mass Communication in Bayero University, Kano. He obtained a degree in Information Technology from the Federal University of Technology Yola, Adamawa State. Before his death, he was an M.Sc (Master's) student of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria. This is in addition to his enormous study into Islamic Sciences especially Hadith, having spent decades studying hundreds of books of hadith and teaching the same. His vast knowledge and authority in this area led him to adopting the nickname of"Albani", after the famous Muhammad Nasirudden Al-Albany. His students, many of whom are erudite scholars now, are spread all over the country, especially the Northern States and particularly from the states of Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Plateau, Bauch. Written by Ibrahim Muhammad Assalafiy (abba)