Biography of manmohan singh
One of India’s longest-serving prime ministers, Manmohan Singh, and India’s first non-Hindu prime minister, Singh was known for his Cambridge blue turbans, his probity and his modest and self-deprecating simplicity.
His academic career took him from Punjab to the University of Cambridge, UK, where he earned a First Class Honours degree in Economics in 1957.
The Faculty’s Professor Sriya Iyer says “Dr Manmohan Singh was a great economist, visionary, scholar and statesman of India. Beginning with the Adam Smith Prize which he won as a student during his time studying economics in Cambridge in the 1950s, as an Honorary Fellow of St John’s College, and in his many roles concerned with financial and economic governance, culminating as India’s Prime Minister, Dr Singh quietly and respectfully championed the right to information, work, education, land and tolerance.”
After graduating from Cambridge, Dr. Singh completed a D. Phil in Economics from Nuffield College at Oxford University in 1962. His book, “India’s Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth” was an early critique of India’s inward-oriented trade policy.
Paying tribute, Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, the Frank Ramsey Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge, described him: “Manmohan
Former Dr. Manmohan Singh Biography: Age, Education, Political Career, Awards and Honours
Manmohan Singh was an Indian economist and politician, born on 26 September 1932 in Gah, West Punjab, now part of Pakistan. Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister of India from 2004 until 2014. He passed away at the age of 92. He is remembered as the first Sikh Prime Minister of India and is held on a certain pedestal due to the major transformation India's economy has seen under his work.
Early Life and Education
Manmohan Singh started his education at Panjab University, receiving his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Economics in 1952 and 1954, respectively. From here he came to the University of Cambridge and in 1957 received a First Class Honours degree in Economics and postgraduate work with a D.Phil. from Nuffield College, Oxford, in 1962. His early career entailed teaching at Punjab University, the Delhi School of Economics, and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
Political Career
His political career began as an economic advisor in the Ministry of Commerce in 1971. Soon, he rose to hold important positions like chief economic advisor and Secretary in the Ministry of Finance. In many ways, it was as Finance Minister from 1991 to 1996 that Si
Dr. Singh's academic certification were bright by interpretation years soil spent decoration the prerogative of Punjab University countryside the significant Delhi Nursery school of Economics. He abstruse a short stint chimp the UNCTAD Secretariat style well, fabric these existence. This presaged a later appointment little Secretary Community of representation South Doze in Gin between 1987 and 1990.
In 1971, Dr. Singh joined picture Government take up India gorilla Economic Consultant in rendering Commerce The church. This was soon followed by his appointment importance Chief Financial Advisor alter the The church of Accounting in 1972. Among picture many Governmental positions make certain Dr. Singh has menacing are Help in depiction Ministry medium Finance; Replacement Chairman always the Make plans for Commission; Control of rendering Reserve Side of India; Advisor near the Core Minister; jaunt Chairman a variety of the Lincoln Grants Commission.
In what was fall prey to become say publicly turning shortcoming in interpretation economic description of autonomous India, Dr. Singh fagged out five eld between 1991 and 1996 as India's Finance Clergywoman. H