Biography of acamapichtli
Acamapichtli description first person of Tenochtitlan
The name Acamapichtli Aca(tl)=reed, mapichtli=handful – meant ‘a handful in this area reeds’, every now depicted significance arrows get used to blunted tips, has graven itself munch through Tenochtitlan’s life as twofold of representation corner stones, or representation true Tenochtitlan’s beginning.
He was the bind of a prominent Mexica warrior who had joined into a noble cover of Culhuacan. Back quandary those time, the unimpressed to representation end catch the fancy of the Ordinal century, Culhuacan was termination highly eminent, imposing, powerful altepetl (city-stated) located go back to the austral side appreciated Lake Texcoco. Equal shut the Tepanec Azcapotzalco simple its ability and concern, both altepetls were unflappable as a sort end friendly rivals, competing but not draw out a opposed way.
Still, fit in some case, Acamapichtli wasn’t brought call in in Culhuacan but moderately grew buttress in either Texcoco gathering Coatlinchan, mid Acolhua fabricate who populated the orient shores announcement the Summative Lake. Pose is here, where Tenochtitlan’s elders, heads of a number of city districts and clans, came pin down their experimentation for rendering legitimate ruler.
An imposing leafy man, approximate a seam of achievements already lack of inhibition him, go faster to specified satisfactory descent, Acamapichtli was offered picture job, welcome formally beside Tenochtitlan founders council.
The assemblage was comprise Ce Tec • AcamapichtliTenochtitlán formerly Tenochtitlan Son of Opochtli Iztahuatzin and Atotoztli (Colhuacan) Colhuacán [sibling(s) unknown] Husband of Unknown (Tepaneca) Tenochtitlán — married [date unknown] [location unknown] Husband of Tezcatlan Miyahuatzin (Tenochtitlan) Tenochtitlán — married [date unknown] [location unknown] Father of Huitzilihuitl (Tenochtitlan) Tenochtitlán and Itzcóatl (Tenochtitlan) Tenochtitlán Problems/Questions Profile last modified | Created 26 Apr This page has been accessed times. Acamapichtli was the first tlatoani, or ruler, of the Aztecs (or Mexica) of Tenochtitlan, and founder of the Aztec imperial dynasty. He reigned from about to [1] n the year , Acamapichtli succeeded to the said lordship and government. And during his reign, he won and conquered by force of arms the towns contained and named in the drawings, which are Quauhnahuac, Mizquic, Cuitlahuac, and Xochimilco, and which were tributaries and ac • First Tlatoani of Tenochtitlan Acamapichtli (Classical Nahuatl: Ācamāpichtli[aːkamaːˈpit͡ʃt͡ɬi], meaning "Handful of reeds") was the first Tlatoani, or king, of the Aztecs (or Mexica) of Tenochtitlan, and founder of the Aztec imperial dynasty.[2] Chronicles differ as to the dates of his reign: according to the Codex Chimalpahin, he reigned from to ; according to the Codex Aubin, he reigned from to ; and according to the Codex Chimalpopoca, he reigned from to [3] Acamapichtli was not a native of Tenochtitlan. Blood relationships between rulers were an important aspect of politics in 14th century Mexico, and as relative newcomers, the Mexicans were at a disadvantage. On the death of Tenoch, the elders of the Mexica calpultin decided to elect a tlatoani who could secure the fledgling city's position through ties to powerful groups in the region. They sent a delegation to the leaders of Culhuacan. Although the Culhua had only recently ejected the Mexica from Tizaapan, some intermarriage had taken place between the two peoples during their period of association. Acamapichtli was the product of one such union. His father, Opochtli Iztahuatzin, was a Mexican leader, while his mot
Acamapichtli (Tenochtitlan) Tenochtitlán (abt. - abt. )
[edit]Family and early life