Autobiography outlines patti deak

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    Composition of place.
    Ignatius Loyola, make haste to help me!


    1In this paper I want to talk about the advent of Bloom: I mean the way in which James Joyce inserted his fictional hero into the fully tenanted city of Dublin that he himself had left behind in , but also the way that he substituted his “competent keyless citizen” [] for the egoistical young artist, Stephen Dedalus, at the centre of his literary world.

    2Conceived in the tradition of Thomas Carlyle’s “Hero as a Man of Letters”2, Stephen had been the self-constituted moral hero and the only morally creditable person in Joyce’s earlier manuscript novel, Stephen Hera Portrayed as “the intense centre of the life of his age., standing] to it in a relation than which none could be more intimate” [SH75], he was intended as a pattern of social and aesthetic awareness upon which the Irish could model themselves. The Portrait puts it a little more ironically (or perhaps more fatuously): “How could he hit their conscience or how cast his shadow over the imaginations of their daughters, before their squires begat upon them, that they might breed a generation less ignoble than their own?” But moral eugenics proved unworkable as an imaginative strategy in the long run, and the

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  • autobiography outlines patti deak
  • The Excess of Autobiography: Texts, Paratexts, Contexts


    S velikim zadovoljstvom objavljujemo da je krajem godine završen prvi (službeni) dio velikoga sveučilišnoga infrastrukturnog projekta "Razvoj istraživačke infrastrukture na Kampusu Sveučilišta u Rijeci" (Research Infrastructure for Campus-based laboratories at University of Rijeka) vrijednoga oko milijuna HRK, financiranoga iz Europskoga fonda za regionalni razvoj. Kroz projekt je nabavljena nova znanstveno-istraživačka infrastruktura za Centar za visokopropusne tehnologije, Centar za mikro i nano znanosti i tehnologije, Centar za napredno računanje i modeliranje, te laboratorije Građevinskoga fakulteta, a bit će korištena na svim sastavnicama Sveučilišta. Radi se o najvećem projektu provedenom na Sveučilištu u Rijeci te jednom od prvih projekata financiranih iz Strukturnih fondova Europske unije u Hrvatskoj općenito. Iznos namijenjen kupnji znanstvene opreme u spomenutom projektu nadmašuje sva kumulativna ulaganja u znanstvenu opremu na Sveučilištu u Rijeci do sada. Implementacija projekta doprinijet će ulaganju u istraživanja na Sveučilištu u Rijeci, osigurat će visokokvalitetna istraživanja, kolaborativne projekte s industrijom, poboljšati regionalnu konkurentnost, razvoj industrije te malih