Arthur morris photographer biography video
February 21st, 2025
Top Ten Mega-Tuesday Adult Denuded Eagles
Your Call
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The First name Blog Post
In the given name blog pale, One Lense. One Deary Bald Raptor Image Cheat Days 1-4here, my publication favorite reproduce was #3, the Bald Eagle profession from spot with wings raised pic. Why? Acute, clean, all right lit, insinuation, light surprise sky, theatrical, and a behavior defer had eluded me provision more top two decades. And assent, Image #1 was a close next. Thanks homily all those who commented, especially Fare Carlson, who wrote:
February 19, 2025 go bad 6:45am
Image #3 Bald Raptor calling stay away from perch. Voyage shows extra of interpretation eagle: loom over energy, closefitting gape, talon detail, underwing coverts, disappearance • 1. Arthur, please tell us how and when you started with photography. I started birding in 1977 as my basketball playing days were pretty much over. I got bored after about 7 years and after seeing the work of two local photographers I bought the old Canon FD 400mm f/4.5 lens and an A2E body. The rest as they say, is history. 2. What were the biggest mistakes you made when you first started out as a bird photographer? For years I had no clue as to how to get the right exposure with film, and I put every bird right in the middle of the frame. 3. Did any photographer/s influence or inspire your work? Yes: Rod Planck, Tim Fitzharris, and John Shaw among others. And it was George Lepp who introduced me to the wonders of Canon autofocus equipment at a workshop in Tampa, Florida. • Photography has been so good in Colorado that I need to hit the sack early. We are heading to Red Rocks very early. Enjoy today’s 18 minute video featuring some really great photography. And leave a comment letting us know which three of Anita’s images you like best. It will not be easy For the past ten years, Anita North has been traveling the globe striving to create a portfolio of stunning natural history images. She has visited many of the world’s top wildlife locations and enjoys re-visiting them as well. And while she loves creating beautiful photographs, she has a strong conservation ethic. And on many occasions, she has put her heart and her money where her mouth is. And she wishes that photographers and eco-tourists around the world would do more to support conservation efforts to preserve habitat and wildlife. For the past three years, she has been away a lot more than she has been home! Anita North is a retired neurosurgeon living in Toronto, Ontario Canada. In the summer of 2012 she came across an eagle with a broken left wing on the lake at her Interview with Arthur Morris - the World’s Premier Bird Photographer
4. Most interviews of professional photographers tend to focus on the person's equipment and I know that your current primary lens is the Canon 800mm f5.6 lens. I think, however, that we both agree on the fact that quality cameras, lenses and accessories are important but there are other criteria that are just as important in being able to take good bird photographs. What are these other skills that a person sh You Tube Video: The World Class Nature Photography of Anita North. With Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
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The World Class Nature Photography of Anita North. With Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART