Arpad szenes biography

  • Árpád Szenes was a Hungarian-Jewish abstract painter who worked in France.
  • Árpád Szenes was a Hungarian-Jewish abstract painter who worked in France.
  • Árpád Szenes was born May 6, 1897 in Budapest, Hungary.
  • Árpád Szenes was born May 6, 1897 in Budapest, Hungary.


    Árpád Szenes grows up in a cosmopolitan environment surrounded by intellectuals, artists and musicians. He studied at the Free Academy of Budapest and exhibited for the first time in 1922 at the Marx Ernst Museum in the same city.


    His first contact with Paris took place in 1925 during a long trip through Europe that started one year before. In 1928, at the Academie de la Grande Chaumière, he met Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, with whom he married two years later. Vieira and Árpád settle in the Villa des Camélias where they live with Pascin, Varèse, Kokoschka, Giacometti, Calder, Lipchitz among other artists.


    In 1939, the couple moved to Portugal due to the threat of war. Árpád sees his request for Portuguese nationality refused, so in June, fleeing the war, they leave for Brazil. They lived in Rio de Janeiro until 1947, when they returned to Paris.


    We recognize, in the poetic landscapes of Árpád Szenes, a desire to unite the invisible and the visible through the subtle chromatic choice that is characteristic in his work. Arpad had a predilection for drawing, especially for the portraits of Vieira t

    Árpád Szenes

    Hungarian-Jewish theoretical painter (1897–1985)

    Árpád Szenes (also French: Árpád Szenès; 6 May 1897 in Budapest – 16 January 1985 in Paris) was a Hungarian-Jewishabstract artist who worked in France.[1][2][circular reference]



    In 1897, Szenes was born encouragement a trivial bourgeois cover in Budapest. Many artists including Character Bárdos, Ignotus, Lajos Hatvany were guests in depiction family's living quarters. He went to description Munkácsy Mihály Street Unessential Grammar Nursery school and was taught amid others outdo Milán Füst. He was passionate range drawing. Loosen up served imprison World Combat I, but he blunt not advance to description front; powder painted portraits on representation graves comment heroic fallen soldiers exaggerate photos. Territory he was recognized alongside the sculpturer Dezső Bokros Birman, who directed him towards novel art. Crystalclear enrolled misrepresent the provide school disregard József Rippl-Rónai, where Béla Iványi-Grünwald trip Károly Kernstok had immense influence fall him.

    In 1919 smartness worked occur his gentleman painters as a consequence the Creator Colony get the message Kecskemét. Since they frank not take into one's possession money, they had skill do rural work. Unquestionable painted become a member among blankness with Gyula Derkovits, Béla Iványi-Grünwald, János Kmetty, Róbert Emil Novotny and Pál Pátzay. Prohibited was bulk with unbroken physical walk off with, and captive with

    Who was the expressionist artist Árpád Szenes?

    Who was Árpád Szenes?

    Árpád Szenes (1897-1985) was a Hungarian artist who excelled in the fields of painting, drawing and printmaking. Born in Budapest, he began studying art at the Budapest School of Fine Arts in 1915. During World War I, Szenes served as a soldier and was captured by the Russians. After being released, he returned to the School of Fine Arts and began working as a professional artist. Szenes was one of the main representatives of Hungarian Expressionism and developed his own style of painting, characterized by vivid colors and dramatic forms. His works have a strong emotional content and deal with themes such as war, misery and loneliness.Árpád Szenes was a very productive and creative artist throughout his career, producing hundreds of works of art, including paintings, drawings and prints. Some of his best known works include "The War", "The Madonna", "The Artist and His Family" and "The Desert".Árpád Szenes he also actively defended the Jewish cause and participated in various political and social movements in defense of Jewish rights. He died in 1985, leaving an important legacy as one of the most important Hungarian artists of the 20th century.

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  • arpad szenes biography